Note that this was written during an intern retreat. Inevitably peeps started feeling carefree and silly.
(This is a collaborative blog entry. You will find exact replicas of this post on the following blogs written by House Mom, Debsy and R.Mal)
Everybody has a unique way of communicating with other people. Here, at UrbanPromise Vancouver, we like to ensure that the people around us know exactly what we are saying.
One of our favourite ways og doing this is by using a verbal device known as "Emphatic Repitition", a term coined by our very own Ms. Kristin Cato. Basically, when you feel the need to repeat a word/phrase that has just been used in conversation, repeat the word and emphasise the individual syllables with a slightly higher pitched voice and a little more force.
Here is an example conversation (names have been altered for the protection of the real life people involve):
Toby: Hey Fiona, What are you doing?
Fiona: I'm googling emphatic repitition.
Toby (high pitched and slightly forced): Em-pha-tic Rep-i-ti-tion!
Another element of our love language, which Matt Wall R.I.P contributed, is known as the "Grumbly Voice", and is often used to make a point. It is said with a strength and a confidence that can only come from God.
Here is a real-life situation in which the Grumbly Voice was applied, whilst doing the morning crossword:
Ryan: Ok Matt, Here's one for you
matt: Hit me with it
Ryan: The clue is 'an X-Rated dance'?
Matt: bump n GRIND!
Note that GRIND is emphasised with a slight, raspy 'grumbliness' of the voice.
This is the love language of Urb-an Prom-ise. USE IT. BAM.