Hi friends. In a few hours, I will be on my way to Donegal. It's in the south of Ireland but is the most northern part of the island. It consists of beaches, cliffs, pubs and holiday homes. Why are we going there? Retreat time. FLPC is in transition so in theory it seems like a good idea to go away to the middle of nowhere and renew our spirits, enjoy strong fellowship and support each other. Ha. At least we'll be in the sticks so we can scream as loud as we like and not irritate too many people, just the sheep. But seriously, I secretly hope it's a great weekend.
Also, some of you might find it humorous that I resorted to accidental terrorism the other day in Ikea of all places. Right next door to the airport. I thought I was pulling through my recent disappointments pretty well until I brought a knife and pseudo threatned the sales assistant. I had left the knife I used to open the boxes in the boxes and when I returned them there it was. Sharp and shiney. As I lifted it, I was pointing it at the dude, in his striking blue and yellow uniform. "Please don't kill me, I'm too young to die" is what he said. Meanwhile Amy, who gets major props for this entry, is laughing somewhere in the background, no help at all!
Gots to go bake/buy some protestant traybakes...
Days like these
7 years ago