Dec 14, 2009

I always lose socks and I have no idea how it happens. In Vancouver, I was pretty sure the dryer ate them because it was a beast of a machine. But there is no way our puny little tumble dryer here in Lisburn is eating clothes. So where do they go? I buy them in pairs. I fold them in pairs and put them in a special drawer known as my sock drawer. I wear them in pairs. I take them off in pairs. I put them INTO the washing machine in pairs and somewhere between this point and taking them out of the tumble dryer one part of these pairs goes missing. On my last count, which was this morning, I had 11 single socks without their significant others.

WHERE ARE ALL THE SOCKS? And in true Christian fashion, how can I apply this anecdote to everyday life?

Dec 8, 2009

Paris in a nutshell.

Eiffel Tower...impressive.

Champs de Ellyses...beautiful

Notre Dame...breathtaking.

Latin Quarter...character.

Amy's Book Shop...Quirky.

RER system...smelly.

Amy's hosting abilities...mama would be proud.

Tree's...that steal hats. Jamaican willow trees.

Late night banter...unforgettable.

Ridiculously early alarms....snoooooooooooooze.


Thunder Mountain, Indiana Mountain, SPACE MOUNTAIN...Epic.

Peter Pan...Gey.

Mad Hatter Tea Cups....GET OUT OF THE CUP WITH YOUR HANDS........UP!

Parades and lights and Christmas trees...soooooo good.

I heart Paris. Totally worth the crazy early mornings and rollercoaster back pains and general coldness. A very awesome start to Christmas.

Dec 3, 2009

Twilight isn't a love story. It's an obsession story.

I think black Christmas tree's are kind of cool.

I have a playlist of songs on my ipod that I imagine playing in the background at different moments in my life.

The best feelings in the world include sneezing, clean dry socks, fleecy blankets, and a really great parking job.

I fly to Paris in T-36hrs.