Feb 17, 2010


So my blog is changing addresses. Unfortunately I suspect that the email account I used for tailormade.blogspot.com is being used by somebody else or has been hacked into or something wierd. Since the email address was not my primary address I deleted the account.

So if you do check it out regularly or bookmark it or something (or if you want to start!) then go here....



Feb 16, 2010

Let's talk about Starbucks. The largest coffehouse chain in the world. (Fact). I, for one, having spent significant periods of time outside NI appreciate having Starbucks around although I will never understand why their menu is limited here. Do they think that Irish peeps wouldn't fancy a passion fruit iced tea or a crushed strawberry lemonade?

This is not the point.

Irish peeps are sometimes renowned for being intellectually challenged or 'thick'. And we certainly don't take kindly to large monopolizing American franchises like Starbucks. But we don't do ourselves any favors when we attempt to order coffee in said franchises. For the record, we are actually a semi-intelligent nation with a commendable education system but in Starbucks we are clueless.

Yesterday I stood in line behind a woman who wanted 3 simple drinks...2 Americano's and a mocha. She made it so complicated that she had to go back up to the counter 3times to complain that it wasn't what she wanted. And then she complained about how crappy the service was....she will probably sue the coffeehouse for negligence because that is also what we do here. Sue people.

Meanwhile peeps in Vancouver are enjoying being all famous and olympic-y AND being capable of ordering coffee.

Feb 10, 2010

I used to be really good at writing blog posts. You're probably reading this because you find yourself with too much time on your hands so take a little more time and go look back at some of the quality entries I wrote back in the day. And now when I sit to write, I have so many mental little thoughts racing through my head that I can't physically put them all together. So the best thing is to bullet it all up for you....

1. My room is a holy MESS.

2. It's funny how things work out.

3. I love youth ministry.

4. I hate youth ministry.

5. I'm off work for 6days, what on earth will I do?

Feb 7, 2010

It was our senior youth retreat this weekend. It's always a wierd feeling when you get home from a weekend away but this time it's different and I'm not exactly sure why. The past few months, with my faith, I've been working on letting things go. Taking stuff out of my head and putting it in God's hands and trusting that it'll be ok. And it's been good, I've seen things turn out ok and it's been encouraging. But the challenge, I guess, is continuing to leave those things in God's hands and out of your head.

Things will always come back to haunt you, to make you doubt yourself and the people around you. It's really hard to look back on what's happened in the past and not say 'why did I react that way' or 'why didn't I do that instead'. I think I've said before that life is a balancing act. As a christian, we have to constantly find a balance between accepting the grace of God and His forgiveness without taking it for granted, trusting God with everything that troubles us without becoming complacent, serving God without letting our faith grow cold, setting good examples without becoming self righteous and still learning from Jesus' examples, resisting temptations but still enjoying life.

And it's really hard because once you get ahead with one thing, you're reminded of something else you have forgotten. All in our search for holistic living. Sometimes I doubt myself as a leader because there are so many things I haven't mastered yet...but if I wait until I do, then I'm never going to be a leader. And I love being a leader. 

Feb 1, 2010

Lists. I have met numerous people in my life that make lists. List makers. For these people, life just doesn't function as well without a list. A check list before you leave, a shopping list, a to-do list, a stress list, a list of goals.....it's endless.

I am also a list maker, a keeper of check boxes, a notepad fiend. I'm not too sure when it happened but it is definitely fact when you consider the number of lists I found in my bag today and threw out. Some of which weren't even completed. Maybe it is to compensate for my seriously bad time management skills or maybe it is a little like therapy or maybe this is just what happens when you get a little older and life gets busier. Whatever it is, when I can take all the thoughts that are clouding up my headspace and write them down on paper then I can think straight again. I can sleep sound or get on with my day without worrying that I'll forget about this and that. And getting to put a tick in the box when you get something done makes it even more satisfying when you get something done!

So if you make lists, props to you and be proud of your lists. It's character building.