Feb 1, 2010

Lists. I have met numerous people in my life that make lists. List makers. For these people, life just doesn't function as well without a list. A check list before you leave, a shopping list, a to-do list, a stress list, a list of goals.....it's endless.

I am also a list maker, a keeper of check boxes, a notepad fiend. I'm not too sure when it happened but it is definitely fact when you consider the number of lists I found in my bag today and threw out. Some of which weren't even completed. Maybe it is to compensate for my seriously bad time management skills or maybe it is a little like therapy or maybe this is just what happens when you get a little older and life gets busier. Whatever it is, when I can take all the thoughts that are clouding up my headspace and write them down on paper then I can think straight again. I can sleep sound or get on with my day without worrying that I'll forget about this and that. And getting to put a tick in the box when you get something done makes it even more satisfying when you get something done!

So if you make lists, props to you and be proud of your lists. It's character building.