Feb 16, 2010

Let's talk about Starbucks. The largest coffehouse chain in the world. (Fact). I, for one, having spent significant periods of time outside NI appreciate having Starbucks around although I will never understand why their menu is limited here. Do they think that Irish peeps wouldn't fancy a passion fruit iced tea or a crushed strawberry lemonade?

This is not the point.

Irish peeps are sometimes renowned for being intellectually challenged or 'thick'. And we certainly don't take kindly to large monopolizing American franchises like Starbucks. But we don't do ourselves any favors when we attempt to order coffee in said franchises. For the record, we are actually a semi-intelligent nation with a commendable education system but in Starbucks we are clueless.

Yesterday I stood in line behind a woman who wanted 3 simple drinks...2 Americano's and a mocha. She made it so complicated that she had to go back up to the counter 3times to complain that it wasn't what she wanted. And then she complained about how crappy the service was....she will probably sue the coffeehouse for negligence because that is also what we do here. Sue people.

Meanwhile peeps in Vancouver are enjoying being all famous and olympic-y AND being capable of ordering coffee.