Aug 23, 2009

Today I met a potential suitor. I don't know his name but I do know that he was wearing a striking yellow vest and a red tie with a suspicious yet intriguing odour. He smoothly opened the conversation outside of church, inquiring as to what time the service starts. The service was over. He then asked if I was Ben's girlfriend. Ben is 14 and one of my bestie's little brothers so that was awkward. He then asked Sean if I was his girlfriend and Sean said yes and stroked my head, a little like one would do to a dog. Yellow vest dude then proceeded to say....

"...I know I'm past my sell by date and I'll probably get a slap but if I was 50 years younger I would ask for your phone number..."

This isn't the end of the story. He ran away, a little like geoffrey leonard the paedophile, and we laughed really hard. It was the funniest thing. But yellow vest dude came back out and started to quote Romeo and Julliet to us before running away into the distance without even a name. All I know is that he was great and believed in love at first sight.


Laura Brown said...

random! xx