Jan 3, 2010

We were talking last night, over 36 tunnocks seasons greetings tea cakes and lightly salted tortilla chips, about living at home with parents and how crazy they all are....throwing important stuff in the bin for no good reason, muttering under their breath even though you have already given in and started said household chore, stirring cups of tea for a really really really really REALLY long time. And I have to ask....

Why do parents ask us to do things when they are perfectly capable of doing it themselves? And why is it so hard to ask this question without sounding unbelievably obnoxious.

Why do parents lock in on one thing, lets say the coffee cup you left in the lounge the night before, and turn it into the worst offense you could possibly have committed. For instance, "while we're on that note of the coffee cup....you are really really bad with money".

Why do parents want to know absolutely everything? How much money do you earn? Whats in those shopping bags you just brought in with you? Who was on the phone? When are you going to grow up?

You gotta love your parents and the the older you get the more comical these incidences become and isn't it somewhat comforting or refreshing to know that all parents are the same. The man must insert a chip into your brain when you have your first child that programs all this stuff in. Maybe thats why people have water births...you can't insert an electronic chip in water. It goes against common health and safety regulations.

Happy 2010.